How Subscriptions Work


Subscriptions are automatically renewed according to your selected delivery interval and the products will be automatically delivered by ProtoGal after each successful renewal.
For example, if you started a monthly subscription, then the system will automatically charge your credit card each month and you will get the products to your doorstep each month, without the need to place the order by yourself!


Where do I manage my subscription?

You don't need to sign up for an account. When you place an order containing a subscription, you will be automatically emailed a "magic link" that takes you to the customer portal. The customer portal allows you to manage everything regarding your subscription. No one else can access the portal but you, and as long as you have access to your email and the magic link, you will be able to easily manage your subscription.


Can I pause or cancel a subscription?

Yes, of course. You can pause or cancel a subscription any time you want in the customer portal, as seen in the screenshot below. The only time when the subscription can't be cancelled is if you started a subscription which requires a certain number of payments before you can cancel it. ProtoGal does not currently have a minimum number of payments on any product.

How can I skip or reschedule a charge?

You can skip or reschedule the charge in the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery will have a Skip payment button next to it, which you can use to skip the charge. You can reschedule the charge by clicking on the Reschedule button next to the delivery date.


Can I add products to my subscription?

Of course. You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Just click on the Edit button in the products card and edit, remove or add products to your subscription.


What happens if the payment can't be processed?

If the subscription can't be renewed because a payment can't be processed you will receive an email with a link where you can safely update your payment method.